
If there is one domain that can be characterized as the backbone of
Ultra Precision, it is the Grinding Department. Our grinding facility
is far reaching in it's capabilities. At your disposal are surface,
conventional jig, CNC-controlled jig, contour, CNC-controlled profile,
and wet grinders. All of these high quality machines are manned by
extremely skilled and experienced toolmakers.
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From start to finish, all of our grinders work together as a team to
ensure that not only the highest precision parts are produced, but
also that there is absolutely no time wasted in the manufacturing
process. With only the highest quality abrasive wheels and innovative
fixtures, procedures, methods, and of course the all important
brainstorming, Ultra Precision produces world-class quality. |
journeyman grinders routinely hold tolerances of .00005" with surface
finishes that would make a jeweler blush. With components ground to
these extremely precise parameters, you can rest assured that your
replacement die components will fit together perfectly time after time.
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No order is unimportant, small or large. The employees in these
departments are often pushed to meet the ever demanding delivery requirements. Because of an expansive tungsten carbide inventory,
our grinders have been known to save a few backsides by turning an
order around in less than 24 hours. Give the gifted grinders at
Ultra Precision an opportunity to service your company, and they'll
make sure you come back again and again. Put them to work for you
today and begin a relationship that is built on quality.